Monday, April 4, 2011


Thanks for visiting my blog! This is all new to me. I'm totally an internet junkie but not much into blogging. I decided to start a blog  as a coping mechanism for myself. I may not have many, if any followers, but at least I'll feel like someone is listening.

As for my story. My husband Ryan and I have been married for almost 4 years. We've always wanted children. However, we wanted to enjoy our new marriage and I wanted to get through nursing school! We decided that having children would have to wait.

In my adolescent years, my cycles were horrible. Irregular, severe cramps and everything else that goes along. It went in until my sophomore year of high before I was finally put on birth control pills (bcp) to regulate my cycles. It was a miraculous little pill that made the difference in the world. Until about a little over a year ago, I had no reason to test whether or not my cycles had changed since high school.

I started working nights in October of 2009 and let me tell you that it was hell. My body doesn't like to sleep during the day!  Ryan and I had talked about trying to start conceiving after I had about a year of work under my belt. I also wanted to be on days. A day position opened in June and I was set to go. I stopped taking the pill in May and I was ready to bring on the TTC!

To sum my TTC journey, I've made memos on my phone along the way to help keep track of whats gone on. Here it is!

may 2010-stopped the pill
june 19-normal period
aug 16- heavy period c severe abd pain
aug 23- appointment with dr dewey, start opk
sept 24- normal period. No smiley
oct 7- high on monitor
oct 20- low on monitor
oct 27- pap smear and started progesterone x10 days
nov 7-normal peroid
nov 11- clomid 5-9 50 mg
nov 15- day 9- high on monitor
nov 21-day 15
nov 22- follicle US-pcos
nov 29- started progesterone x10 days
dec 9- normal period
dec 13-clomid 5-9 100 mg
dec 18- false positive opk
dec 23- appointment with dr puckett
jan 5- neg test. Start progesterone x 10 days
Jan 14- last P pill
Jan 20- neg serum hcg
Jan 26- heavy period c severe abd pain
Jan 30- clomid 5-9 150 mg
Feb 3- estrogen/mucinex
Feb 8- US- smaller follicles
Feb 11 -5000 units novarel
Feb 12-+opk/peak on cbfm
Feb 23- neg hcg test
Feb 27- neg hcg test
Mar 4- -test start progest.
Mar 13- finished progest.
Mar 14- pink tinged cm, back aches, cramps
Mar 15- normal period
Mar 17- puckett visit- need to be seen by specialist.
Appointment booked with ssm dr thomure
Mar 21-appointment booked dr silber april 21
Mar 22- canceled thomure
Mar 23- appt made witten 
Mar 30- Dr Witten appt- 1 follie measured 13
Begin clomid 100mg x 4days. f/u US scheduled 4/6

LONG story short, I've had 2 failed cycles of clomid with no ovulation and 1 cycle of clomid/hcg trigger failed with no ovulation. I'm currently on my 4th round and seeing a new Reproductive Endocrinologist. I took 200mg of clomid CD 5-9 and saw the new RE doc. He did an ultrasound and it showed I had one follicle that measured 1.3 cm on the right side. He prescribed more clomid 100mg for 4 more days to allow it go grow and mature. I have an US on Wednesday to see the progression.

I'm trying to keep positive. However, it's so hard when everyone around you is pregnant, literally. The last few months have been so hard and trying.

Thanks for reading and I hope that you stick around! Leave a comment and say hi!


  1. Good luck at your appointment!!

  2. Please follow my blog too!! I use it to talk about my PCOS TTC journey but it is also used to follow my hubby's and my life for out of town family. Im considering starting a PCOS only blog but for now I share the one blog! :o)

  3. How funny - my doctor's name is Dr. Whitten too! My blog is Hope your IUI goes well!
